
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

hi! it’s actually the end of week 4 here in gainesville, but i didn’t want week 3 to pass by without it being documented.

it was a really sweet week, and i actually didn’t bring out my camera much. i wanted to take some time to be present, and i wanted to do that by putting down my camera for a lot of week 3. so almost all of these photos are from my phone, and all of them were taken very in the moment. 

i actually did a talk on this during our storytelling session that we have every week. i’m on the committee with a couple other girls and we all have different ways we tell stories, so we did a station activity for everyone. we had a station for videography, writing, social media, go & tell, and photography (the station i spoke for). i talked about just what i was writing about above. to not focus too much on how the photo looks, but capturing the beauty of the moment. the beauty in the mundane. every photo has a story, because theres a moment behind each photo. i hope this is a way for you to get a glimpse of what life here during week 3 looked like. thanks for reading!



my friend peyton! we were sitting in the sun this day doing watercolor paintings and bible studying while bree was playing taylor swift songs on the guitar!


been a huge fan of putting notes in my journal and bible lately. great space for scrapbooking!

everyone on the porch makes me smile so wide. my favorite place to be.


peyton & adelyn being cute


spontaneous worship during free time


heading to church at the campsite!


the sun shining through tent city before church!


bree & her mint tea. a classic.

peyton being cute


bree being cute


stopped for a sunrise pic


dance party!


photo actually taken by my friend haley! worship wednesday


bree’s always singing during lunch. the best.



the stars here are insane. every night. such a blessing!

“He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.” -psalm 147:4


just some encouragement in the conference room! its so good to always be surrounded by it. 


we did a prayer burn for those still fundraising and over our squad in general, and bree & i had the 3-4 am slot. it was actually such a sweet thing and to know that our squad was prayed over for 12 hours straight was so cool. definitely one of my favorite memories so far.

after the prayer burn, bree & i stayed up and watched the sunrise and got dunkin after! sabbath was so sweet this saturday.

and thats a wrap on week 3! it was such a sweet week filled with lots of laughs and lots of growth. seems like thats every week, and thats a blessing in itself. 

ALSO we leave for our domestic mission trip with Samaritan’s purse in Louisiana on saturday! we’ll be there for 2 weeks, come back to georgia for debrief, and leave for guatemala on november 5! many blogs to come.

so much joy here, and i know theres so much joy to come. its just the beginning. 


love always,

ava 🙂

One response to “week 3: beauty in the mundane”

  1. Ava, EVERY picture of Squad H on campus doing life together is a treasure – the less “posed,” the better. It gives us back home a clearer picture of what life is really like there for y’all. Thanks for sharing.
    (Katherine’s Mama)